Thursday, October 12, 2006


Westin Stamford (or now called Swissotel the Stamford) had the distinction of being the world's tallest hotel prior to 1992.

This elegant & tall building is still standing strong and steady only because of the unique foundation the building is built upon.

Do you know that it took 30 continuous days, 24 hours of continuous pouring of concrete just to complete the foundation! It is almost likened to pouring concrete to build a dam! That's a lot of concrete! And that's what I call STABILITY!

Our character depends on the values we build our foundation on. Lousy values, lousy character. Strong values, strong character. It is as simple as that!

Jesus tells us that those who put to practice the commandments of God are like those who built their house on solid rock that when the winds and rains come, the house stands strong. And those who don't have built their houses on sand.

What are you building your foundation on? Strong values, I hope.


melchari said...

hi rev michael,
strong values yes.. :)

CHARI** ((:

saintschaplain said...

Right on!