Thursday, April 26, 2007


Children who goes through Sunday School will find this simple song familiar:

Jesus loves me this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but He is strong

Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so

The simple song carries a profound message : The love of God through Jesus Christ His Son. Originally, we are all doomed to eternal separation from the presence of God. But for the sacrificial love of God we are able to change that by knowing our sinful state, repent of our sins, believing in Jesus Christ that He died and rose from the dead, and to follow Jesus all the days of our lives.

Yes, Jesus loves me and Jesus loves you too!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


The senseless massacre of 32 University students in Virginia is a stark reminder of the evil that lurks around us.

No one could imagine how the seemingly simple-looking Korean final-year student could have carried out this 'Rambo-style' killing and having no sense of the value of life, let alone, his very own. Could it be he was just re-enacting something he had been playing on his computer, day after day, ..... weeks after weeks, ..... months after months? Could it be he no longer knew the difference between reality and role-playing?

Though in Singapore, we are thankful for the strict laws against possessing firearms. However, what's there to stop someone from using other forms of weapons.

Troubled teens are everywhere and in every school. Look no further and you will encounter someone who are addicted to computer gaming. Those whom we have encountered and counseled are only the tip of the iceberg. More problems are just waiting to be manifested.

I sincerely believe that prayers for the St Andrew's Village has in a certain way kept the situation manageable. We need to keep praying that the forces of darkness are broken by the power and redemptive blood of Jesus Christ who is the Lord of the Village!

Join me in praying for St Andrew's Village.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


There was a hunter who had a very special retriever dog - it walks on water! One day, he thought he should show his special dog to his friend who was always looking at life negatively. Maybe his speical dog could change his perspective.

So, the hunter invited his friend on a hunting trip. As expected, the friend asked whether it will rain, whether there will be birds, whether he will be accidentally shot at, etc, etc. ... all the negativity.

The hunter saw the opportunity to show off his special dog when he shot a wild geese from the sky. He commanded his retriever dog to fetch the fallen bird and indeed, the dog showed his special ability to walk on water and retrieved the bird.

The friend saw all that has happened and told his hunter friend: "There is something wrong with your dog - he can't swim!"

Are you always looking at things negatively?

Are you always saying that your glass is half empty? (and it's going to be fully empty).

Maybe it is time to say that your glass is half full and it can be filled to the brim!

Are you thinking that you can't be an achiever? Think again! Maybe it is all about changing your perspective - changing from negative to positive.

Proverbs 3 : 5,6 tells us that We should trust the God with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding. In all our ways, acknowledge Him and He will make our paths straight.

God bless.